
The "Working group Satellites" is a Dutch group of people interested in receiving and processing data from (weather)satellites

A magazine "de Kunstmaan" is published 4x each year, in Dutch. An English translation in PDF format is sent to all non-Dutch speaking members.

For non-Dutch speaking members there are 2 kinds of memberships:

  • Full membership: 33 euro, you get the paper magazine (in Dutch) and the pdf translation.
  • PDF membership: 10 euro; you get the pdf translation.


To become a member:

  • For non-euro citizens: Easiest is to pay by Paypal. Just send an email with your street address to:
      kunstmanen_@_alblas.demon.nl (remove underscores)

      and I'll send you a paypal note

  • For euro citizens you may also use Paypal, but best is to pay by bank (no extra costs): 

NL65 INGB 0004 8031 63

IBAN: NL65 INGB 0004 8031 63

And send me an email with your street address:  kunstmanen_@_alblas.demon.nl (remove underscores)


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